Location: Marseille, France

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

It's All About You

Shocking how blogs are the perfect example of human vanity.

I have been surfing member’s pages for a while now and all I read are stories people post about themselves, what they like or dislike, things they did or planning to do, opening up like never before to this unlimited completely unknown public exposing their personal life on the internet killing altogether any sense of privacy they might have.

No limits as to what they can tell thus exposing the naked truth in all its meanings just like kneeling down in front of a priest in a confession room with the exception that this time instead of telling their sins and beseech forgiveness they set off in a eulogy of heroic performances they dare to call daily life.

Some often start with insinuating being in a bad situation, the worst you can ever imagine. Surrounded by evil they become victims of a cruel life they are fiercely fighting to overcome, something they always manage to do otherwise what is the use of writing about it if not to constantly come out a winner.

It has become a pure advertisement site where the majority of the writers post their CV-like personal achievements as if all big companies will scan here to find potential candidates for higher managerial positions they might have available.

The remaining very few others, those with a lesser imagination but still would like to participate in this race to fame and fortune end up writing their most boring daily activities usually focusing on the bad luck they have unknowingly divulging how pathetic they are in real life.

They tell you stories about accidents they had or their now dead dog, heartbreaks or their dear ailing relative, expecting from you some sympathy on the matter wanting you to be on your toes, finger crossed following the daily update of this sad event and hoping with them for a good ending for someone you have never met or seen in your entire life.

Come on people, making it more motivating is a challenge. Keep your personal lives to yourselves and maybe some of your close friends and start looking for something better to write about, something that would not bore to death this massive number of fellow bloggers reading you.

Anything that is not about you…


Blogger GPV said...

Bon alors, tu ecris un peu ?

12:35 PM  

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