Holy Matrimony
When I got there she was already dead
She was just lying there naked on the bed
white sheets around her slowly turning red.
I couldn’t believe my eyes and when I held her head
sadness I did not feel, it was anger instead.
Angry for what she did, left me alone and fled.
She was my only hope, she was the only thread
that keeps me hanging on and now alone I dread
the years I’m going to face, all this time ahead
Is useless without her, she was my daily bread.
I stood there in silent tears, from the bible I read
the passage where it says with you I’ll be wed
I married her right there and I knew where this lead
I lied there next to her and with my knife I fed
Two stabs to my heart, closed my eyes and bled.
When they got there I was already dead.
That's hard,I mean when I kill myself I prefer jumping from a high clif.To feed youlself two stabs in the chest is very hard to do,maybe not the first stab but man!! The second stab.(It emphasizes the feeling of loss that came over you when you realized she'll be no more.
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