Empty Souls

Location: Marseille, France

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

It Was Only a Dream

This was just a dream. This is what I do; I provide people with dreams that would last much longer than your basic one hour vision you are allowed to get every night during your sleep. Mine goes for weeks, maybe months depending on how naive you are, how much you are willing to believe what I tell you or maybe just how bad deep within you are in need for this.

I don’t do anything you are not expecting me to do, and I don’t say anything you’re not dying to finally hear. All I do is look at you, study your feelings, understand your desires and offer you, even if not for eternity and so what if it’s only a big lie at the end, what you have been longing for your entire life.

God alternates by giving you two kinds that are usually derived from your inner subconscious. Some are translated into nightmares after which you wake up all shaky, sweating and ever so glad it’s over while others are good dreams from which you wake up with a smile on your face yet a bit kinda sad it’s over wishing it would have lasted longer.

The reason he does that, the reason his dreams are always varied and with an awfully short span of time is that he is very smart, extremely considerate to my taste and knows how feeble you are, thus tries to protect you from getting too much attached to this heavenly hour so that when you wake up, this slight feeling of regret you will have does not affect your entire real life and is soon forgotten.

The similarity is striking as I am also aware of the effect of too long dreams and I know very well how despicably weak of a person you are with the only difference that I may be the most heartless person you have ever met and I have no consideration whatsoever to the aftermath of my present to you.
If you suffer after having my dream because it was too long and beautiful I consider that to be entirely your fault because you have decided to have it this way.

Now Wake up…Your dream is over

Friday, August 12, 2005

Holy Matrimony

When I got there she was already dead

She was just lying there naked on the bed
white sheets around her slowly turning red.

I couldn’t believe my eyes and when I held her head
sadness I did not feel, it was anger instead.
Angry for what she did, left me alone and fled.

She was my only hope, she was the only thread
that keeps me hanging on and now alone I dread
the years I’m going to face, all this time ahead
Is useless without her, she was my daily bread.

I stood there in silent tears, from the bible I read
the passage where it says with you I’ll be wed
I married her right there and I knew where this lead

I lied there next to her and with my knife I fed
Two stabs to my heart, closed my eyes and bled.

When they got there I was already dead.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Apartment For Rent

An old wooden faded color door half open on one of the oldest streets in the area and right below a bridge leading to an old port is the entrance gate to the building in which she lived for a while but now is leaving and therefore decided to rent the place and move on to Jail.

The gate squeals open to a dark empty hall giving you at first impression the immensity of the place and its age too old that you can actually smell the antiquity giving you sudden flashbacks of a pervious life you may have had.

A big black key is used to open the only small door on the left side of this hall leading to the inside main premises of the building too narrow that it barely encloses very steep stairs covered with small red broken tiles and held together by rusty black fences you need to grip upon to help you reach your intended floor.

You literally escalate to the third floor where her apartment is after passing old furniture and broken bicycles seemingly abandoned at the corner of almost every space available between each two levels with spider webs protecting them making you wonder if the owners of this garbage are still alive.

Reaching the third floor with whatever breath you still have your heartbeat reminds you that you should quit smoking, give up drinking, eat healthy and start looking for some sports activity that will put you back in shape for the now abruptly becoming few remaining years of your life.

Albeit you can’t help but feeling a sense of pride when you realize that the only thing between you and the truth now is that small yet all steel volt like door you’re facing but still need to regain some of that lost strength before you can take out the key from your pocket, insert it in its hole, turn anticlockwise and open the gates to heaven…or hell.

Once inside you’re greeted by a cat longing to be cuddled waiting in a middle of a very long corridor more like a bowling alley with the exception that what you strike here are maybe empty bottles of champagne lying there most probably from the night before at the south end where that tube stops and a kitchen begins.

A red bicycle announces the beginning of that kitchen well furnished with the essentials of culinary life or any life for that matter from ice cubs to appetizers to more this time still full and chilled bottles of champagne screaming to be cracked open and you can be sure they will be opened every night. .

At the other side, on the right wing of that never ending corridor right after a small bathroom door and through dim lights is the huge living room decorated with two comfortable couches facing each other with a low square table in between providing you one of the coziest mood you may ever experience.

Separately behind the couches, serving as a bar, a barrel she smartly painted is set right there in front of two big windows giving you while enjoying your rusty jack daniel’s the ultimate sight of the Mediterranean waters that you can depict from either above and below the bridge or through passing cars.

A third window with the same breathtaking view belongs to an adjacent bedroom equally dimmed this time to accentuate the serenity of the space and to give ultimate respect to all the rituals performed inside on that altar of a bed gracefully welcoming all men and women sacrifices equally.

The unlit fire place adds to this sacred room a sense of reverence so powerful that it suddenly gives you a crystal clear meaning to a bunch of paintings indifferently thrown there on the floor each conveying a story too deep and strong that will make your bones shiver with fear and climax.

You will either love or hate this place depending on who you are….It's an apartment of personality and I loved yours.