She’s caught a terrible disease that crippled her in many ways that she is now incapable to do anything without having this fear of failure haunting her every move to success in all aspects of life from the simplest of tasks to the most complicated one passing by love, profession or any other daily bustle.
It is the most dodgy of all diseases I’ve ever heard of and the worst thing about it is not only the fact that there is no cure but the actual disregard and virtually zero percent research done worldwide on finding any.
I agree with researches who consider this not as an illness but a normal part of life and hence close their eyes to any serious study leaving the whole thing to the entertaining world of astrological science only when it’s a once in a blue moon or even more frequent but still occasional turns of events.
Albeit when it becomes as in my friend’s case a non relinquishing hurdle on her daily errands we have to put aside all possible coincidence hypothesis or fictional theories and start searching in earnest for a more serious scientific elucidation placing the whole matter in a completely different now risky zone called “Incurable Diseases”.
In that case the best you can do is offer a shoulder to cry on, be supportive and present no matter how long this aliment will linger and never fear close encounter as the only good thing about this illness is the fact that it is not in any way contagious and your being there is like the morphine shot that in a way appease some of this pain and suffering.
If any of you readers is a physician or has his weight in the scientific research field please consider this desperate cry for help, reach out for my dear friend and many other people with similar cases and pull them out of this very rare but truly existing misery by assisting us in finding a cure.
To a flower infected with the incurable "Bad Luck Disease"!